The NU-X AD-3 is an analog delay with all the characteristics of the sought-after "Bucket Brigade" technology, which produces a warmer and smoother delay when compared to digital models. "Bucket Brigade" refers to a technique that places several thousand capacitors on a chip and allows each capacitor to hold a very small amount of the audio signal (less than one millisecond). These buckets are placed in a line (brigade) so that the signal can be passed from one capacitor to the next.
With its 600 ms of maximum delay time and feedback that can be pushed into buildup, the AD3 is capable of a wide array of delay sounds.A chip regulates how fast the signal passes through the "brigade" and thus creates a delayed version of the original signal, which can be heard as an echo effect.
Since capacitors are not optimal for transmitting an audio signal, the longer the signal will flow through the chain of capacitors, the more the sound will deteriorate, which leads to the delayed signal losing treble and ensuring the effect is not muddied when repeated behind the signal of your guitar. This "error" is part of what makes "Bucket Brigade" pedals so popular among guitarists. This pedal is also equipped with True Bypass, ensuring no signal loss when the effect is not engaged. For everything from Edge tones to all the Pink Floyd solos you can rip, the AD3 is the perfect budget analog delay!
Brand: Nux
Model: AD3 Analog Delay
Controls: Delay Time, Repeat, Mix
Input Impedance: 1m Ohms
Output Impedance: 10k Ohms
Dimensions: 12.cm x 7.7cm x 4.8cm
Weight: 230 grams
Power Requirements (not included): 9v Battery or 9v DC centre negative Power Supply with minimum 300mA draw