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Modular gooseneck microphone suitable for boardrooms and other sites where aesthetics are important.
15 inch (381 mm),cardioid polar pattern, bi-color light ring, includes surface mount pream
The MX405, MX410 and MX415 Microflex Modular Gooseneck microphones are flexible in more ways than one.
They deliver unsurpassed style and performance for conference rooms and similar applications.
Offering desktop or mounted bases, wired or wireless options, and even interchangeable cartridges, it's easy to get the perfect fit for your conferencing installation.
Fully compatible with SLX wireless systems, including the SLX4L wireless receiver with logic output for applicationsrequiring logic functionality.
The polar pattern of the cartridges below are indicated by the model number suffix:
C = Cardioid, S = Supercardioid, N = No Cartridge
A cardioidmicrophone has the most sensitivity at the front and is least sensitive at the back.
This isolates it from unwanted ambient sound and gives much more resistance to feedback than omnidirectional microphones.
This makes a cardioid microphone particularly suitable for loud stages
Cardiod Picks up most sound in front of the microphone and some from the sides.
It is less susceptible to feedback in high volume environments.